Filosof’a de las Matem‡ticas

Naturalismo: El Debate Contempor‡neo

Posgrado en Filosof’a de la Ciencia


I.                               El Fantasma de Quine: La Ontolog’a Naturalizada

Textos en discusi—n:

Mark Colyvan, ÒThe Quinean BackdropÓ. segundo cap’tulo de The Indispensability of Mathematics (Oxford 2001)

W.v.O. Quine, ÒFive Milestones of EmpiricismÓ, en Theories and Things, (Harvard 1981) Originalmente publicado en 1975.


Bibliograf’a Secundaria:

Azzoni, Jody, (1998) ÒOn ÒOn what there isÓÓ, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 79, No. 1

Burgess, John (2004) ÒQuine Analyticity and Philosophy of MathematicsÓ, The Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 54, no. 214, pp.38-55

Dyson, Freeman J.  (2004) ÒOne in a MillionÓ, New York Review of Books, v. 51, no. 5, Marzo 25.

Hersh, Reuben (1997) What is Mathematics, Really? New York: Oxford University Press.

Quine, W.v.O. (1951) ÒOn what there isÓ en Paul Benacerraf y Hilary Putnam (eds.), Philosophy of Mathematics, Selected Readings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983 y en From a Logical Point of View, segunda edici—n, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 1-19. Original de 1948.

                     (1980) ÒTwo Dogmas of EmpiricismÓ, en From a Logical Point of View, segunda edici—n, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 20-46. Original de 1951.

                     (1976), ÒPosits and RealityÓ en The Ways of Paradox, editci—n revisada, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 246-254. Original de 1955.

Ivonne Raley, (2005) ÒOntological NaturalismÓ, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 284-294

Yablo, Stephen (1998), ÒDoes ontology rest on a mistake?Ó Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, supplement. vol. 72, 229-261



II.                            El Naturalismo de Maddy

Textos en discusi—n:

Dieterle, J. M. (1999) ÒMathematical, Astrological, and Theological NaturalismÓ, Philosophia Matem‡tica (3), vol. 7, pp. 129-135

Maddy, PenŽlope (1997) Naturalism in Mathematics, New York: Oxford University Press.

(2001), ÒNaturalism: Friends and FoesÓ en James E. Tomberlin (ed.), Metaphysics, Philosophical Perspectives, no. 15, suplemento de  Nožs, vol. 35, pp. 37-67(31)

Tennant, Neil (2000) ÒWhat is Naturalism in Mathematics, Really?Ó, Philosophia Mathematica, vol. 8, no. 3, pp.316-338


Bibliograf’a Secundaria

Balaguer, Mark (1994) ÒAgainst (Maddian) Naturalized PlatonismÓ, Philosophia Matem‡tica, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 97-108

Barcel—, Axel, (2004), ÒRevisionismo en la Filosof’a de las Matem‡ticasÓ, Signos Filos—ficos, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 149-154.

Leng, Mary, (1999), Rese–a de Naturalism in Mathematics de  Penelope Maddy, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 195-197

Maddy, Penelope (1997) Realism in Mathematics, New York: Oxford University Press.

                     (2004) ÒThree Forms of NaturalismÓ en S. Shapiro (ed.), Handbook of Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, Oxford.

Rosen, Gideon, (1999), Estudio Cr’tico de Naturalism in Mathematics de  Penelope Maddy, British Journal for the Philosophyof Science

Una bibliograf’a m‡s completa sobre la obra de Penelope Maddy se encuentra en



III.                         La Cr’tica de Gideon y Rosen al Nominalismo

Textos en discusi—n:

Rosen, Gideon y John P. Burgess, (2005) ÒNominalism ReconsideredÓ en S. Shapiro, (ed.), Handbook for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Oxford University Press.

                     (1997) A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalist Reconstrual in Mathematics, Oxford University Press.

John P. Burgess, (2004), Rese–a de  Deflating existential consequence: a case for nominalism de Jody Azzouni, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 10, pp. 573-4


Bibliograf’a Secundaria:

Azzouni, Jody (2004), Deflating Existential Consequence: A Case for Nominalism, New York: Oxford University Press.

Chihara, Charles (1990) Constructibility and Mathematical Existence, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Colyvan, Mark, (2001), ÒThe Eleatic PrincipleÓ en The Indispensability of Mathematics, Oxford University Press

Field, Hartry (1980). Science Without Numbers. Oxford: Blackwell.

(1989). Realism, Mathematics and Modality. Oxford: Blackwell.

Hellman, Geoffrey, (1989), Mathematics without Numbers, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(2001), ÒOn NominalismÓ, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 62, pp. 691Ñ705.

Katz, Jerrold, (1998) ÒPhilosophical PreliminariesÓ, primer cap’tulo de Realistic Rationalism, Boston: MIT Press.

Maddy, Penelope (2005), ÒMathematical ExistenceÓ, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 351Ð376

Una bibliograf’a m‡s completa sobre el Nominalismo en Matem‡ticas se encuentra en:


Sesiones Efectivas


Texto en discusi—n




Mark Colyvan, ÒThe Quinean BackdropÓ




W.v.O. Quine, ÒFive Milestones of EmpiricismÓ


Juan Carlos

Maddy, PenŽlope (1997), Cap’tulos 1-3, de la  secci—n III ÒNaturalismÓ de Naturalism in Mathematics, pp. 161-182




Maddy, PenŽlope (1997) III.4 ÒMathematical NaturalismÓ, en Naturalism in Mathematics, pp. 183-205



Dieterle, J. M. (1999) ÒMathematical, Astrological, and Theological NaturalismÓ & Tennant, Neil (2000) ÒWhat is Naturalism in Mathematics, Really?Ó



Maddy, PenŽlope (2001), ÒNaturalism: Friends and FoesÓ



Rosen, Gideon y John P. Burgess, (1997) A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalist Reconstrual in Mathematics, pp. 3-25




Rosen, Gideon y John P. Burgess, (1997) A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalist Reconstrual in Mathematics, pp.25-66



Rosen, Gideon y John P. Burgess, (1997) Conclusiones de A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalist Reconstrual in Mathematics.




Rosen, Gideon y John P. Burgess, (2005) ÒNominalism ReconsideredÓ &

John P. Burgess, (2004), Rese–a de  Deflating existential consequence: a case for nominalism



Conclusiones Finales