Próximas   Reuniones

En México:

Abril y mayo: Ciclo de Conferencias Magistrales Cómo usar la lógica.  Colegio de Filosofía de la UNAM.  Los temas incluyen el uso de la lógica en la vida diaria, la computación y las matemáticas.  Informes con Raymundo Morado, 622-7375.

9 al 12 de junio: Coloquio sobre Racionalidad, organizado por la UAM-I en la Ciudad de México.  Incluirá temas de lógica como  paraconsistencia, el condicional material, razonamiento crítico y falacias.  Informes con la Maestra Carmen Trueba, 724-4781/86, Fax 724-4778.

8 al 10 de julio: El Dr. Jacek Malinowski de la Academia Polaca de Ciencias hablará sobre Logic of Comonsense Reasoning -Beyond the Fregean Paradigm of Logic en el Auditorio del Centro de Instrumentos de CU el 8, 9 y 10 de julio de 1997 a las 17:00 hrs.  Los temas específicos serán: "Situational Semantics for Nonmonotonic Logic", "Canonical Models for Nonmonotonic Logic", y "Polish-style Logic".  (Informes: Nydia Lara Zavala, (5) 652-5920).

11 al 13 de septiembre: International Symposium on Logic, Philosophy and Computer Science. Los temas incluirán: Automated deduction, Constructive mathematics, Model theory, Hybrid  systems, Knowledge representation, Lambda and combinatory calculi, Linear logic, Logical aspects of computational complexity, Logic in artificial intelligence, Modal and temporal logics, Program logic and semantics,  Non-monotonic reasoning.  Algunos expositores son: Petr Hajek(Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky), Daniele Mundici (Università Degli Studi di Milano), Luis Moniz Pereira (Universidad Nova de Lisboa), Teodor C. Przymusinski (University of California at Riverside), Marian Srebrny (Polska Akademia Nauk) Ryszard S. Michalski (George Mason University).  Para más informes: Nydia Lara, (5) 652 592009, Fax: (525) 622-8620.

11 al 13 de septiembre: El Primer Encuentro de Computación en Querétaro,  incluirá un Taller de Lógica y Computación cuyos  tópicos incluyen programación lógica, entornos lógicos y razonamiento automatizado.  Amy Felty hablará sobre "Lambda Prolog y aplicaciones". Después del evento se formará un grupo de interés en lógica y computación que se incorporará a la Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias de la Computación.  Para mayor informacion dirigirse a: Santiago Negrete, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, IIMAS, UNAM. Tel: 52-5-622-3617;  Fax: 52-5-622-3620. Habrá también otros talleres en los que se tocarán temas de interés para las personas interesadas en la lógica como Programación Lógica Inductiva, Aprendizaje en Redes Bayesianas, Razonamiento Basado en Casos (Aprendizaje), Bases de datos deductivas (Bases de Datos), y log. difusa (Visión y Robótica).

30 de septiembre-2 de octubre:  International Meeting: Logic and Mathematical Reasoning. México, D. F. Información con Carlos Alvarez, Departamento de Matemáticas, Fac. Ciencias, UNAM, México D.F., C.P. 04510.

En el resto del mundo:

(Buena parte de estos anuncios se extrajeron de; otras reuniones han sido anunciadas en números previos de Modus Ponens)

May 12-15, 1997: Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS '97). Tucson, Arizona.  Topics include: deductive databases, incomplete  information and uncertainty, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation, nonmonotonic reasoning.

June 2-4, 1997: 8th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA-97).Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. Topics include: term rewriting systems, symbolic and algebraic computation, constrained rewriting and deduction,  equational programming languages, rewrite-based theorem proving, unification and matching algorithms, conditional and typed rewriting, lambda calculi, and parallel/ distributed rewriting and deduction.

June 9-12, 1997: ECSQARU/FAPR' 97: International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantita tive Practical Reasoning. Bad Honnef, Germany.  Joint biannual conference of the European Conference on Symbolic and  Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQARU '97) and the International Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning (FAPR '97).

July 1-5, 1997: Workshop on Abstract Algebraic Logic. Barcelona, Spain. Final event of the CRM Semester on Algebraic Logic and Model Theory. Invited speakers include P. Agliano, H. Andrka, W. Blok, J. Czelakowski, Z. Diskin, R. Elgueta, I. Ferreirim, J. Gispert, P. Idziak, B. Klunder, R. Lewin, L. Maksimova, I. Númeti, K. Palasinska, J. Raferty, W. Rautenberg, J. Rabagliato, I. Sain, A. Salibra, A. Torrens, A. Ursini, V. Verd, G. Voutsadakis, and A. Wronski.

July 7-11, 1997: 24th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP '97). Bologna, Italy. Topics include: formal methods, logic, semantics, and  theory of programming, foundations of logic programming.

July 14-18, 1997: Second International Conference on Temporal Logic (ICTL'97). Manchester, England. Tutorial speakers will include: F. Bacchus, J. Chomicki, D. Toman, P. Ladkin, and M. Steedman.

July 21-24, 1997: First Panhellenic Symposium on Logic. Nicosia, Cyprus. Invited speakers include: I. Antoniou, C. Dimitrakopoulos, T. Pheidas, L. Kirousis, P. Kolaitis, G. Metakides, C. Papadimitriou, E. Papadopetrakis, J. Sifakis, and S. Zachos.

July 23-25, 1997: DIMACS  Workshop: Logic and Algorithms--One Year Later. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Topics include: computer-aided verification, finite-model theory, and proof complexity.

August 9-22, 1997: The 9th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI '97). Aix-en- Provence, France. Linguistic Aspects of Logical and Computational Perspectives on Language by R. Oehrle and N. Asher.  Workshop on Quantification (overview of recent logical and linguistic developments on dynamic quantification, collectivity, and reciprocity). Logical Approaches  to Agent Modelling and Design.

August 20-22, 1997: 4th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'97).  Fortaleza (Ceara'), Brazil. Topics include: logic, language, information and computation, including: pure logical systems, proof theory, model theory, algebraic logic, type theory, category theory, constructive mathematics, lambda and combinatorial calculi, program logic and program semantics, nonclassical logics, nonmonotonic logic, logic and language, discourse representation, logic and artificial intelligence, automatic deduction, foundations of logic programming, logic and computation, and logic engineering. Invited speakers include Devlin,  Edalat,  Gurevich,  Johnstone,  Kossak,  Moortgat, and  Rott.

September 26-27, 1997: BOOLE 1997: 150 Years of Mathematical Analysis of Logic. University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Speakers include M.-J. Durand-Richard, I. Grattan- Guinness, T. Hailperin, S. Nambiar, M. Panteki, V. Peckhaus, S. Rahman, and N. Vassallo.

October 27-28, 1997: International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP97). Schloss Hagenberg, near Linz (Austria). First-Order Theorem Proving as a core theme of Automated Deduction. Papers that bridge the areas of theorem proving and constraints (e.g.,  in the areas of equational reasoning, term-rewriting systems, and satisfiability problems) are especially welcome. B. Buchberger will give an invited talk entitled "The Theorema Project: An Overview."

January 8-10, 1998: Fourth International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science. Bologna, Italy. Invited speakers include D. Nute, D. Makinson, and G. von Wright.

 January 9-10, 1998: The 1997-98 ASL Winter Meeting.  Baltimore, Maryland.

February 5-7, 1998: 4th Barcelona Logic Meeting. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona at Bellaterra, near Barcelona. Algebraic Logic, Model Theory, Set Theory, and any area of research in Mathematical Logic.

March 1998: The 1997-98 ASL Spring Meeting.

March 30-April 1, 1998: Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 98). Tsukuba, Japan. Invited speakers include H. Comon, J. W. Klop, and G. Plotkin.

May 22-25, 1998: The 1997-98 ASL Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canadá.

June 8-12, 1998: IFIP Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods (PROCOMET '98). Shelter Island, New York. Topics for this conference are: Formal Description of Programming Concepts, and Programming Methodology.

August 9-16, 1998: The 1998 ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium '98). Prague, Czech Republic. There will be invited lectures in model theory (3 lectures), proof theory and complexity (3 lectures), set theory and non-standard methods (3 lectures), recursion theory and theoretical computer science (3 lectures), and history and philosophy of mathematical  logic (2 lectures). Tutorials will be given on several topics including applied model theory, weak formal systems, and complexity theory. Contributions are invited from all fields of logic.

August 10-16, 1998: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy: Paideia, Philosophy Educating Humanity. Boston, Massachusetts. Sections inviting contributed papers include Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, and Philosophy of Language.

August 17-28, 1998: Tenth European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI '98). Saarbrucken, Germany. Topics include: logic, language, computation, language and logic, logic and computation, and language and computation.

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