María del Rosario Martínez Ordaz

Estudiante de Doctorado
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  • Fin de la estancia 2019

Datos académicos

Tutor: Luis Estrada-González

Tesis: Trabajar con inconsistencias: estrategias de razonamiento paraconsistentes para inconsistencias entre teoría y observación

Áreas de interés: Filosofía de la Ciencia, Lógica de la Ciencia, Historia de la Ciencia y Filosofía de la Lógica

Proyectos colectivos: Grupo de Lectura de Filosofía de la Ciencia-IIF UNAM

I am a graduate student in Philosophy of Science at UNAM.

I work mainly in general philosophy of science,philosophical logic and anlaysis of inconsistency in the empirical sciences. My interests extend into integrated history and philosophy of science, scientific understanding, (non-classical) logic and epistemology.

I am interested in philosophical studies of contradictions in empirical sciences.  My research focuses on providing philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of inconsistency toleration in empirical sciences, specifically the toleration of inconsistencies between theory and observation. For this purpose, I focus on the question: how can certain paraconsistent formal tools account for cases of inconsistency toleration in empirical sciences? In order to answer to such question, I provide a detailed analysis of three cases on inconsistencies from the empirical sciences, and I confront such cases with three paraconsistent formal tools, namely, Chunk and Permeate, Partial Structures and Adaptive Logics .  

My current supervisor is Luis Estrada-González.

I got a BA in Philosophy at Universidad Veracruzana  and a MA in Philosophy of Science at UNAM -under the supervision of Atocha Aliseda-Llera and Mathieu Beirlaen.






  • (joint with Luis Estrada-González) Beyond Toleration? Inconsistency and Pluralism in the Empirical Sciences, special issue of Humana.Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies, Issue 32 - August 2017.


  • “Are you a selective-realist dialetheist without knowing it?”, forthcoming in Revista Colombiana de Filosofia de la Ciencia.
  • (joint with Michéle Friend) “Keeping Globally Inconsistent Scientific Theories Locally Consistent”, In: Carnielli W., Malinowski J. (eds) Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. Trends in Logic (Studia Logica Library), vol 47. Springer; pp 53-88, 2018.
  • (first author| Joint with Luis Estrada-González) “May the Reinforcement Be with You: On the Reconstruction of Scientific Episodes”,  Journal of the Philosophy of History (12), pp. 259–283, 2018.
  • “Holism, Inconsistency Toleration and Inconsistencies between Theory and Observation”, Humana Mente 32:117-147, 2017.


  • “Chunk and Permeate vs. Partial Structures: On how to model inconsistency toleration in empirical sciences” (in Spanish), in  Rutas Didácticas y de Investigación en Lógica, Argumentación y Pensamiento Crítico, Academia Mexicana de Lógica, México, pp. 335-349, 2016.
  • (First author, joint with Luis Estrada-González) “The Importance of Being Partial” (in Spanish), Teresita Mijangos (ed.), Memorias Electrónicas del V Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Lógica y Argumentación (SIILA), Academia Mexicana de Lógica, México, pp. 122-135, 2015.
  • (Second author, joint with Luis Estrada-González) “The (in)consistency of the bernoullian infinitesimals” (in Spanish), Fernando Macías Romero et al., eds., Memorias del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Matemáticas y sus Aplicaciones, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla: México, pp. 195-200, 2015.





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