Grupo de lectura: Ciencia inconsistente y pluralismo científico
Del 6 al 17 de junio de 2016, 12:00 a 14:00 hrs. Aula Alejandro Rossi
6 de junio
PRIEST, G. (2005) “Consistency and the Empirical Sciences” en Doubt Truth to be a Liar.
7 de junio
BROWN, B. (1990) “How to be realistic about inconsistency in science” en Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (2):281-294.
8 y 9 de junio
BUENO, O. (1997) “Empirical adequacy: A partial structures approach” en Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 28 (4):585-610.
10 de junio
ŠESŠELJA, D. (2014) “Concerning Peter Vickers’ Recent Treatment of ‘Paraconsistencitis’” en International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28 (3).
13 de junio
MEHEUS, J. (2002) “How to Reason Sensibly Yet Naturally from Inconsistencies” en Inconsistency in Science.
14 de junio
FRIEND, M. (2014) “The Journey from Realism to Pluralism” en Pluralism in Mathematics: A New Position in Philosophy of Mathematics.
15 y 16 de junio
BATENS, D. (2002) “In Defence of a Programme for Handling Inconsistencies” en Inconsistency in Science.
17 de junio
MARTÍNEZ-ORDAZ, M. (2016) “Holism, Inconsistency Toleration and Inconsistencies between Theory and Observation”.
Informes: María del Rosario Martínez
Actualizado Jun 10 de 2016