Taller Knowledge and Scepticism 2014

Taller Knowledge and Scepticism 2014, Stewart Cohen (University of Arizona) Miguel Ángel Fernández (IIFs-UNAM) Jorge Ornelas (UAM - Iztapalapa) Álvaro Peláez  (UAM - Cuajimalpa) Joshua Schechter (University of Brown)


Thursday 13th 
Sala Fernando Salmerón

12-2 p.m.  “Epistemic Bootstrapping and the Role of Independent Sources”
                     Miguel Ángel Fernández (IIFs-UNAM)



Friday 14th
Sala Fernandeo Salmerón

12-2 p.m. “What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Scepticism? Some
                   Tensions in Stroud’s Treatment of Scepticism”

                   Jorge Ornelas (UAM-Iztapalapa)



4-6 p.m. “Small Steps and Great Leaps in Thought: The Epistemology of
                  Basic Deductive Rules”

                 Joshua Schechter (Brown University)




Actualizado Nov 12 de 2014
    Jul 27 de 2024
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