The Turmoils of Compromise: Navigating Mass Crimes and Transitional Justice

 Click for archive of talk texts

Juan Espíndola
Institute for Philosophical Research, UNAM
(Local host):
“Transitional Justice in the Age of Social Media”


Diana Isabel Güiza-Gómez
Violence and Transitional Justice Lab, Univ of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana
“Making Peace and Justice in Political and Criminal Violence Contexts: The Colombian Case”


Pablo Kalmanovitz
International Studies, Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), Mexico City

“On doing transitional justice in contexts of organized criminal violence”


Colleen Murphy
College of Law, Univ of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
“Contempt, Political Divisions, and Principled Compromise”


Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Political Science, Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania

“The Place Left Behind: Infrastructure and the Harms of Internal Displacement by Mass Violence”


Ashwini Vasanthakumar
Queen’s Law School, Kingston, Ontario

“Transitional Justice as Transnational Justice: Why Exile Communities Should Have a Voice in Transformative Processes in the Homeland”


Chair: Tom Donahue-Ochoa
Political Science and Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, Haverford College


Viernes 17 de febrero 2023, 15:00 a 18:00 horas. (CDMX)
Informes y solicitud de acceso:
Responsables: Dr. Juan Espindola Mata
Dr. Thomas Donahue-Ochoa
Organizan Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas
Haverford College
Proyecto PAPIIT IA400523.
Actualizado Feb 17 de 2023
    Dic 06 de 2024
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