Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas Programa de Apoyo a los Estudios de Posgrado (PAEP)
Posgrado en Filosofía - Posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia
Proyectos PAPIIT IG400219 e IA400218
workshop The subjectivity of experience: its nature and its role in cognition
Summary: The workshop shall focus on the subjectivity of experience, investigating questions about how it should be understood or characterized and its value, as well as how it relates to other cognitive faculties---such as for example, introspection, metacognition or attention--- and also to agency and action.
taller La subjetividad de la experiencia: su naturaleza y su papel en la cognición
Resumen: El taller se centrará en la subjetividad de la experiencia, investigando cuestiones acerca de cómo debe ser entendida y su valor, así como su relación con otras facultades cognitivas---como por ejemplo la introspección, la metacognición o la atención---y también con la agencia y la acción.
Thursday 17th | Sala José Gaos
10:00-11:30 | Anna Giustina (Rice University) | "Varieties of Self-Apprehension" comments: Andrea Guerrero
Coffee break
| Josh Weisberg (University of Houston) | “Regressive HOTIEs: Higher-Order Thoughts, Indexed Essentially, Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness, and the Vicious Sebastián Regress” comments: Rafael Cervera, Áxel Tovar
13:15-15:30 Lunch
15:30-17:00 |Andrew Y. Lee (Rice University) | “Consciousness Makes Things Matter” comments: Juan Pablo Ahumada
Coffee break
17:15-18:45 | Kenneth Williford (University of Texas at Arlington) |“Self-Acquaintance and Regress”
comments: Diego Reynoso
Friday 18th | Sala José Gaos
| Miguel Ángel Sebastián (IIFs, UNAM) | “First-person Representation in Experience”
comments: Tahi Guzmán, Azul Santibañez
11:45-13:15 | Uriah Kriegel (rice university) | "The Value of Consciousness to the One Who Has It”
comments: Diana Rojas